Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I was lucky enough to be invited to the seminar titled Interventions led by Gary Frost at the University of Iowa Library, Conservator Emeritus at the University of Iowa Libraries, with assistance of John Fifield, University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science and the University of Iowa Center for the Book.  Our core group consisted of three graduate students from the SUNY- Buffalo conservation program, the conservator and assistant conservator from the library, a book conservator from the New York Historical Museum, a student from the Book Arts program, a volunteer who is a retired director of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and various others who came and went throughout the week.  The five types of Interventions are:

(1) Production
(2) Marketing and retailing
(3) Owners and users
(4) Library re-fabrication
(5) Book restorers and book conservators

More detailed information can be found here.  http://blog.lib.uiowa.edu/preservation/2015/02/10/book-intervention-types-a-construct-of-five-types/

The day started with presentations both from special guests and the participants themselves.  In the afternoon we moved to the back of the room where we were given many types of different books illustrating interventions and were asked to list what we saw and observed.  After we each had some time with the books we engaged in a lively conversation and shared our thoughts.  I came away with a new way of seeing and thinking about the book as an object and how my role as a conservator plays in the overall experience and life of this object.  I am delighted to have met so many wonderful new people and share in this unique experience.

View from the hill looking towards the Library and river.

Beautiful staircase inside the library.

Our seminar room.

One of our speakers with a chart comparing Codex versus Screen.
Artist as owners.  A look at an erasure text.

Examining books for different types of interventions.

Beth Doyle gave a talk about mends done by amateurs or attempts to protect books
                  using a collection of school and common place books.              

Our group.


Written by Deborah Howe.

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