Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Personnel Announcement: Preservation Services and Cataloging and Metadata Services

We are pleased to announce a change in Bill Ghezzi’s role and job assignment in the Library.  Effective immediately, Bill’s new title is Digital Production and Metadata Librarian.  Bill reports half-time to Barb Sagraves and half-time to Cecilia Tittemore.  This change represents a significant increase in Bill’s focus on work to support the Digital Library Program.

Since September 2012 Bill has been participating in a pilot project with a half-time assignment as Digital Production Manager in Preservation Services, and a half-time assignment as Cataloging and Metadata Services Librarian in Cataloging and Metadata Services.  Working together with Bill, we have assessed the impact of the pilot and determined that this division of Bill’s time, combined with his unique skill set, will help the Library move forward in fulfilling the ambitions of the Dartmouth Digital Library.  With this announcement, the pilot period draws to a successful close.

During the pilot Bill took over management of existing Digital Production Unit workflows including the complex Occom Circle Project, the long-term Photo Files Project, and has been responsible from the start for the Donella Meadows Project.  Bill has maintained his membership in the Digital Projects and Infrastructure Group (DPIG) and contributes his expertise as a cataloger and production manager to project planning and infrastructure development.  In the area of digital preservation Bill has been collaborating with Barb and Paul Merchant to develop a protocol for depositing masters and derivatives on the server for long-term storage.  Bill has worked with Ryland Ianelli and Barb Sagraves to ensure uniform application of digitization standards from project start-up.
This new position also includes an increased focus on defining standards and practices for metadata for Dartmouth Digital Library content, including local policies for object identifiers, and for ongoing management of library metadata.

Our thanks go to Bill for recognizing an opportunity for deep collaboration between our departments as the Digital Production Unit began to take shape, and we are extremely grateful to him for proposing this plan and seeing it through to a successful outcome.  Cataloging and Metadata Services will be making adjustments to assignments and priorities over the next few months to help support this important collaboration.  This change, together with the initiation in 2010 of the Text Markup Unit, managed by Mina Rakhra, represents significant support from Cataloging and Metadata Services for the work of the Dartmouth Digital Library. 

Cecilia P. Tittemore, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services
Barb Sagraves, Head, Preservation Services  

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