Thursday, December 20, 2012

Congratulations, Stephanie!

It is with great pleasure I announce that Stephanie Wolff has been promoted to Assistant Conservator. A major responsibility of this new position is to be the conservation digital liaison, which will manage workflow and treatment assessment for conservation work needed in response to digital projects. In addition Stephanie will be further integrated into the evaluation and treatment of special collections material.

Stephanie joined Preservation Services full time in May of 2006. Since then she has trained numerous students to perform routine conservation treatments and has treated extensively, items from special collections. In 2011 she received her MALS degree from Dartmouth, with her studies focusing on “the book”. In addition to her preservation duties, she is an instructor in the Book Arts Workshop.

Please join me in congratulating Stephanie.
Written by Deborah Howe.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie joined Preservation Services full time in May of 2006. Since then she has trained numerous students to perform routine conservation treatments art colleges
